10 Best Companion Plants for Potatoes
Potatoes are cool-season, crops that grow in moderately fertile soil conditions. Planting herbs and flowers near your potato plants can save space, and repel pests and insects. It can also help to shade your potato plants.
Best companion plants for potatoes:

Cilantro or Coriander are good companion plants for potatoes. The shallow roots of cilantro don’t compete with potatoes much. The fragrance produced by cilantro repels pests from attacking your potatoes.
2. Alyssum
Alyssum is a good ground cover and helps to attract beneficial insects that kill potato plant pests.
3. Chives

The strong scent produced by chives helps to repel unwanted pests. Chives also use only a small space in your garden.
4. Corn

Corn and potatoes have different needs. Growing them together can help to maximize the space in the garden. Corn has shallow roots and grows tall whereas potatoes are root crops that grow underground.
5. Marigolds

Marigolds repel potato beetles, improve potato flavour, and attract a variety of pollinators and beneficial insects.
6. Nasturtium
Nasturtium is a great trap crop. Growing it at a distance from your potatoes can attract pests to nasturtium. This in turn saves your potato plants.
7. Horse radish
Horse radish helps to repel Colorado beetles and growing it near your potatoes can improve disease resistance.
8. Leeks
Leeks belong to the allium family. Their shallow roots will not compete with your potato plants for nutrients, and they can help repel pests that attack your potato plants.
9. Legumes
Legumes fix nitrogen in the soil, improving soil fertility which benefits your potato plants.
10. Cabbage
Cabbages help to repel potato betels. They have shallow roots and won’t compete for nutrients with your potatoes. Cabbages can also help to provide shade for your potato plants.
By pairing potatoes with these plants, you can create thriving garden ecosystems that have improved soil fertility and disease resistance. If you found this article helpful don’t forget to share!!
Read more:
1. Best companion plants for Tomatoes.
2. Best companion plants for Okra.
3. Best companion plants for Spinach.
4. Best companion plants for Beetroot.