6 Benefits of Raised Garden Beds

Raised garden beds are created by raising the soil above ground level and enclosing it with materials like wood, rocks etc. Growing plants in raised garden beds has many benefits. They can be filled with soil that is suitable for plants and vegetables. Raised garden beds can be built in any shape and size. They are effective especially when the ground soil is too compact and not suitable for plant growth.
Benefits of raised garden beds:
1. Raised beds help to control soil erosion
Heavy rains can cause soil erosion by washing away the precious topsoil that enriches plant growth. When enclosed raised beds are built, there is less chance for soil erosion. Also, the roots of plants grown in raised beds help to keep the soil intact thereby preventing erosion.
2. Raised beds have better drainage
Raised beds are elevated, so they have better drainage. They are a must in areas that receive lots of rainfall. Plants and vegetables do not grow well when water remains stagnant for a long period. Growing them in raised beds can prevent root rot.
3. No tillage required
When you have raised beds, you don’t have to do the heavy work of tilling the soil every year. Instead, you can add organic material like compost and mulch directly on the soil’s top layer. Studies have shown that regular tilling can deplete soil nutrients over a long period. When the soil is left undisturbed, soil nutrients gradually build up.
4. Raised beds help to contain invasive species
Growing certain plants is great for the garden, but they might become invasive when they are not contained within a certain space. Herbs like mint and creeping thyme are a few examples. Small raised beds can be built to contain these herbs.
5. Raised beds are more comfortable to work with
Gardening in raised beds is less strain on our bodies. Pulling out weeds, Planting new saplings and harvesting the yields become easier in raised beds. The minimum size for a raised bed can be 4 feet wide and 6 feet long.
6. Soil in raised beds becomes warm a lot sooner
The soil in raised beds warms up faster when compared to the soil outside.You can start to plant your saplings a lot sooner in spring when you have raised beds.
Here is an article on the best soil that can be used for raised garden beds.