7 Best organic fertilizers for flowers
Certain flower plants grow best in average soil conditions whereas others need fertile soil to grow well.The main nutrients flowering plants require are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous. Phosphorus is one of the main nutrients that plants require for producing flowers. You can add either solid or liquid fertilisers to your plants. Solid fertilisers are slow-release fertilisers, but when temperatures get warmer nutrients are absorbed by the plants faster. Liquid fertilisers help plants to absorb nutrients faster. You can make your fertiliser from kitchen waste or other materials. Making your fertiliser means you will save more money and you will recycle biodegradable waste.
Organic Fertilisers For Flowers:
1. Banana peel fertiliser

Banana peels are rich in potassium and phosphorous. Gather a few banana peels and allow them to dry well in the sun. After they have turned black and crisp, use a blender to blend them into a fine powder. Then add this powder to a gallon of water and use it on your plants. You can also simply cut the dried banana peels into fine pieces and bury them in the soil.
2. Eggshells

Eggshells are rich in calcium, potassium and many other nutrients. They take a long time to decompose, so it’s best to turn them into a fine powder before adding them to your plants. Take a few eggshells and dry them completely in the sun. Then use a blender to turn them into fine powder. You can then add this powder to water and use it on your plants.
3. Pomegranate peels

Pomegranate peels are one of the best organic fertilizers for flowers. They are a rich source of potassium, phosphorous and other nutrients. They can be dried well, cut into small pieces and buried in the soil.
4.Bone meal
Bone meal is rich in phosphorous and it is a great fertiliser for flowering plants like roses. It also contains certain levels of nitrogen that are useful for plant growth. Add two tablespoons of bone meal to a gallon of water and use it on your plants.
5. Seaweed
Seaweed helps to promote the healthy growth of the plant. It contains lots of nutrients that increase the growth and yield of flower, vegetable and fruit plants. It contains a compound called mannitol. This helps the plant to absorb more nutrients. Wash the seaweed well, and chop it into fine pieces. Fill a bucket with water add the chopped pieces of seaweed and close the bucket using a lid. Keep it for a day or two. Then strain the liquid and use it on your plants. You can also buy seaweed fertiliser online and use it for your plants.
6.Vegetable peel fertiliser

Gather vegetable scraps and add them to a bucket filled with water. After 2 days strain the liquid and use it on your plants. You can add the scraps to your compost bin.
7.Epsom Salt
Epsom salts help to improve flowering and enhance the flower colour. Add two tablespoons of Epsom salt in three litres of water and use it on your plants.
Flower plants must get all nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Manure is rich in nitrogen and contains certain levels of potassium, phosphorous and nutrients. Compost is also a great fertilizer for flower plants. Here is how to make compost at home.
Fertiliser must be added for 6 to 8 inches before planting the flower plants. Then fertiliser must be added after 6 to 8 weeks.
Read more:
1.How to increase flowering plants.
2. Easy flowers to grow for beginners.
3. Annual summer flowers to grow.