Best organic pesticides for plants

A garden cannot be kept completely pest-free, but pests can be controlled or reduced using pesticides. Making pesticides at home is easy and they can be quite effective in repelling insects and pests.
Organic Pesticides for Plants
1.Garlic Spray
Take a few cloves of garlic and use a blender to grind it into a smooth paste. Then transfer the mix into a bowl and add 1 cup of warm water. Let it sit for 24 hours. Next, use a sieve to strain the juice and add 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap to it. Then transfer it to a spray bottle and use it on your plants.
2. Chilli pepper
Take a bowl and fill it with 1 gallon of water and boil it well. Then add 3 tablespoons of chopped red chillies. Make sure you wear gloves while you handle chillies. Turn off the heat and let the mix settle for 24 hours. Then use a sieve to strain the liquid and add a few drops of liquid dish soap to it. Then pour it into a sprayer and use it on your plants.
3. Tomato Leaf
Take a bowl and fill it with two cups of water. Then add two cups of two tomato leaves to the bowl of water. Cover the bowl with a piece of cloth and let it sit overnight. You can then strain the liquid using a sieve. Since the juice is concentrated, it is important to dilute it well before using it on plants.
4. Neem Oil
Take three tablespoons of neem oil, and one teaspoon of mild dishwashing soap and add them to one gallon of water. Mix it well and transfer it to a spraying bottle and use it on your plants. The powerful extract from neem leaves helps to disrupt the lifecycle of insects.
5. Orange Peels
Chop 2 orange peels finely and add them to half a litre of water. Allow it to sit for 24 hours. Then strain the liquid. Dilute this liquid before you use it on your plants.
Using organic pesticides for plants can prevent soil and water contamination. The best time to use these pesticides is during early mornings and late evenings.