How to control whiteflies in the garden

When you have a backyard garden with all kinds of plants, you will also have to deal with a variety of pests that attack them. These pests end up draining the life out of your plants. One of those pests is whiteflies. These pests live on the underside of leaves. They are triangular and are about 1-2mm long. Each adult whitefly can lay hundreds of eggs. These pests suck the juice of the plants causing them to turn yellow, dry up and wilt. Whiteflies can be found in temperatures that are warm and humid. Always check the underside of the leaves of your plants. Whiteflies attack all plants including vegetables and ornamental plants.
Ways to control whiteflies in the garden:
- Use a water hose or a spray on your plants that has whiteflies, this helps to remove nymphs and eggs that are on the plant.
- Use a vacuum to remove the adults and nymphs. Make sure that you empty the vacuum outside.
- Having certain flowers in your garden can help to attract beneficial insects that feed on these pests. Some of the insects that prey on these pests include ladybugs, spiders, dragonflies and lacewings.
- If your plant is infested with white flies remove either a part of the plant or the entire plant based on the level of infestation.
- You can also use neem oil on these pests. Mix 2 tablespoons of neem oil, and one teaspoon of organic liquid soap with one gallon of water and use it on the leaves of the infected plant.
- You can use sticky traps to get rid of whiteflies. You can make sticky traps by yourself or you can purchase them from garden stores. Whiteflies get stuck in these sticky traps and die.
- You can also make a pesticide with onion and garlic and use it on your plants. Take a few pieces of garlic and onion and blend them well. Add this mix to one cup of slightly warm water and allow it to sit for 24 hours. Then strain this liquid and add a few drops of organic liquid soap. Mix it well and use it on your plants.
To control whiteflies in the garden, you need to use these pesticides once in 3 days if you have a severe infestation.
Read more:
- How to get rid of mealy bugs in your garden.
- How to get rid of thrips in your garden.
- How to get treat powdery mildew on your plants.
- How to get rid of aphids in your plants.