How to grow lots of mint from cuttings

Mentha also called mint is a perennial herb that does not require much care and is very easy to grow. Growing mint in your garden can repel insects, rodents, and ants. The optimum temperature for growing mint is between 13-21°C (55-69°F). It grows well in moist, well-drained soil that contains lots of organic content. You can also grow this herb in pots. You will need a pot that is at least 6 to 8 inches deep. Now let’s move to the main part of how you can grow mint from cuttings.
Ways to grow mint from cuttings

First method
Take a mint stem and cut just below the node. Remove all the leaves of the stem except for the top leaves. Do this for six to seven stems.
· Take a pot and fill it with soil rich in organic content. Insert these cuttings and gently water them.
· Keep the pot away from direct sunlight. After a few days when new leaves start to emerge, you can keep the pot in a place that receives four hours of sunlight.
Second Method
Take a mint stem and cut just below the node. Remove all the leaves of the stem except for the top leaves. Do this for six to seven stems.
· Place the stems in a glass that has 1 inch of water. Keep the glass away from direct sunlight. Change the water once in two days. After a week you will see roots emerging from the node.
· Take a pot that has rich organic soil and plant mint in it.
· Keep the pot away from direct sunlight. After a few days when new leaves start to emerge, you can keep the pot in a place that receives four hours of sunlight.
Make sure that you don’t let the mint get exposed to very high temperatures as it can result in wilting. Keep it in a place that gets good amounts of shade and sun. If your soil is rich in organic matter, you will notice that the leaves emerge much faster. If you want to know how to make compost rich in organic matter, read this article. Hope you found this article useful.
Read more:
- Easy herbs to grow for beginner gardeners.
- Benefits of having a herb garden.
- Benefits of having a kitchen garden.