How to help molting chickens 

Posted byMaheswari Sankar Posted onAugust 2, 2024 Comments0

Have you ever wondered why your chickens lose a lot of feathers at a particular time of the year? This is because of molting, a natural process that happens in chickens. Molting is the process in which chickens drop their old feathers to regrow new ones. Molting generally occurs in chickens when the season changes from warmer to colder periods. Chickens usually start to molt when they are 16 to 18 months of age.

Signs of molting in chickens

  • Loss of feathers
  • Decreased egg production
  • Reduction of weight

Although molting is a normal process it can still take up a lot of energy in chickens. Feathers are 85% of protein and chickens use up a lot of their energy when they regrow their feathers. This is why egg production gets reduced a lot during this period. Here is how to help molting chickens.

Taking care of chickens during the molting period

1. Avoid handling chickens too much during this period

During the molting period the chickens skin becomes ultra sensitive with the pin feathers poking out. Picking up chickens or trying to hug them can be a bit uncomfortable and painful for them.

2.Feed them with protein rich diet

Give them food that is rich in proteins during this period. You can also feed them with lentils, sprouting seeds and grains which are also good protein snacks.

3.Limit stress

Chickens look a bit down during the molting season. Avoid introducing new flock members during this period as it can increase stress in chickens. Increase in cool temperature can also cause stress in chickens. So, make sure to winterize your coop.

How long does molting last?

Depending on the breed molting can happen for 3 to 20 weeks.

Read more:

  1. How to compost chicken manure.
  2. Raising chickens for beginners
  3. Benefits of backyard chickens

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