How to use banana peel fertiliser

Banana peels contain lots of nutrients that help in building better root and stem structures in plants. So don’t throw those banana peels away instead use them to fertilize your plants. You can use banana peel fertiliser for all your vegetable and flower plants.
Some of the nutrients that these peels contain include phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese and sulphur.
Potassium is a macronutrient that is essential for stronger root and stem systems. It makes the plant more drought resistant.It is also essential for flowering and fruiting and helps to improve the quality of fruits and flowers.
Phosphorous is also essential for increasing the number of flowers and fruits in the plants. It improves the root system and makes the plant more disease resistant.
Banana peels contain high levels of micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, manganese and sulphur.
Calcium encourages plant growth, by breaking down the nutrients that are present in the soil and distributing them throughout the plant.
Magnesium and Sulphur is needed for chlorophyll formation in plants.
Ways to use banana peels:
- Simply cut the banana peels and add them when you make your compost.
- Dry the peels in sunlight for a week until they turn black and crisp. Then chop them into tiny pieces and bury them in the soil near your veggie plants. They decompose fast and add the nutrients your plants need.
- Soak the banana peels in water for three days and strain the liquid. Then dilute the liquid and use it on your plants. This method has a disadvantage as banana compost tea can attract unnecessary pests like gnats and fruitflies.
Banana peels contain high levels of potassium and phosphorous but low levels of nitrogen. So they must be added with fertilizer that contains high levels of nitrogen.
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- How to use bone meal in your garden.
- How to use seaweed for your plants.
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- How to cocopeat for your plants.