How to use bone meal for plants.

Posted byMaheswari Sankar Posted onApril 7, 2024 Comments0

Home » Gardening Tips » How to use bone meal for plants.

bone meal

Bonemeal is fertiliser that is made by drying and crushing animal bones into powder. It contains several nutrients and minerals that benefit plants by improving soil structure and quality. Bone meal is rich in phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen. It contains trace elements like magnesium, iron and zinc. The NPK ratio of bone meal is 3:15:0. Root crops like radishes, potatoes, beetroots and carrots benefit from bone meal. Vegetable flowering plants like tomatoes and peppers also love bone meal. Here is how to use bone meal for plants.

How bonemeal benefits your garden:

  • Improves plant’s root structure
  • Increases pest resistance
  • Improves flower and fruit production

Although bone meal can improve plants’ overall health it should not used in soil that has a pH of 7. Bone meal can be used in acidic soil and not in alkaline soil. Always test soil pH before using bone meal.

How to use bone meal for your garden

Bonemeal can take about 4 months to completely decompose. Instead of sprinkling bone meal on the topsoil, dig a few inches off the top soil sprinkle some bone meal and cover it with soil.

If you want to apply bone meal for plants grown in containers you can apply bone meal when you are planting. Then again sprinkle the bone meal once or twice during the growing season.

You can also mix bone meal with your compost. Here is how to make compost for your plants.

Can you mix bone meal with water?

You can mix two tablespoons of bone meal with one gallon of water. You can then use it for your plants.

Read more:

  1. How to use seaweed fertiliser for your plants.
  2. How to use eggshells for your plants.
  3. How to use banana peels in your garden.
  4. How to use coffee grounds for your plants.

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