Reasons why your rosemary is dying.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: August 13, 2023 Comments: 0

Rosemary is an aromatic herb that is grown for culinary purposes. Why your Rosemary is dying 1.Watering Both overwatering and underwatering can harm your rosemary plant. Make sure to check the soil’s moisture levels before watering. If the plant is overwatered then you will notice browning of the tips of the leaves. Overwatering harms the roots leading to root rot. This turns the branches brown. Avoid watering your plant for…

How to grow chives in a container

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: August 6, 2023 Comments: 0

Chives is a perennial herb that is native to Asia and Europe. Growing chives in your garden can help to repel certain insects and attract pollinators. The leaves of chives can be used for cooking purposes. The commonly grown chives are namely Common chives and Garlic chives. Common chives can grow up to 15 inches tall and they are cold hardy plants. Garlic chives can grow up to 20 inches…

Reasons why plant leaves are turning yellow

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: July 21, 2023 Comments: 0

A plant’s leaves may turn yellow due to a condition called chlorosis where the leaves are unable to make enough chlorophyll to produce a natural green colour. In general, the leaves turn yellow and fall off when the plant gets old. But when a young plant’s leaves start to turn yellow then there may be a problem. Once your plant’s leaves turn yellow they do not turn back to green.…

Raising chickens for beginners

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: July 19, 2023 Comments: 0

If you are planning to raise chickens then it’s necessary to know about the basic requirements that chickens need. Raising chickens means getting healthy eggs and meat, but it can be a lot of work too. Beginners Guide to Raising Chickens: 1. Choosing the right chicken breed It’s best to know about the different breeds of chickens before buying a particular breed. It is also important to choose a breed…

Best organic fertilizers for okra plant

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: July 18, 2023 Comments: 0

Each vegetable plant has its requirement to grow well and give yields. All plants require the basic nutrients nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous(N-P-K). The right kind of N-P-K ratio is necessary for improving the overall quality and yield of the plant. Okra needs fertilising from the beginning of its growth to grow into a healthy plant and give good yields. Also, fertilising okra plants helps to suppress pests and other diseases.…

How to grow lavender at home

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: July 15, 2023 Comments: 0

Lavender is a perennial herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. It can grow up to 3 feet tall and help to attract a lot of pollinators into your garden. You can grow them in your garden beds or containers. Lavender flowers come in a variety of colours like purple, pink, blue and violet. The best variety of lavender to grow in your home is French lavender. However French…

How to grow salvia from seeds.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: July 13, 2023 Comments: 0

Salvia is a drought-tolerant plant that belongs to the mint family. It can be grown as an ornamental plant and it requires less maintenance. Its flowers come in colours like white, red, yellow and blue. Growing salvia in your garden attracts a lot of pollinators. At the same time, the pungent smell this plant produces repels garden pests. It is tolerant to frost too. Here is how to grow salvia…

How to grow beetroot from seeds in containers.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: July 13, 2023 Comments: 0

Beetroots are cool-weather crops and there are many varieties of beetroots. The best variety of beetroot to sow is the variety that is bolt-resistant. Both the leaves as well as the roots of this vegetable are edible. You can grow beetroot from seeds. Growing conditions for Beetroot Beetroots need fertile well drained soil and lots of sunlight to grow well and give big bulbs. Beets prefer alkaline soil and can…

What are tall leggy seedlings and how to fix them.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: June 26, 2023 Comments: 0

Certain seedlings don’t look very healthy when they grow. They look a bit leggy and weak. The main reason why these seedlings grow up in such a state is because they do not get enough sunlight. This happens for seeds that are grown indoors or those grown in shady locations. These thin leggy seedlings also lean a bit sideways to search for sunlight. Although these seedlings are leggy in the…

How to grow portulaca from seeds in containers 

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: June 11, 2023 Comments: 0

Portulaca or moss rose is an annual that belongs to the Portulacaceae family. These flowers can be grown as an ornamental flower or as a ground cover. They come in a variety of colours like rose, white, red and yellow. They can grow up to 12 inches tall and 24 inches wide. These flowers are drought tolerant. Plus they are low-maintenance flowers. You can grow portulaca from seeds or from…