How to plant tomato from seeds in containers.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: April 4, 2023 Comments: 0

Tomatoes grow well when they get the needed soil, water and light. You can get lots of tomatoes by simply growing them in a few containers. There are two varieties of tomatoes namely determinate or bush varieties and indeterminate or vine varieties. The bush variety is easier to grow in a container. The vine variety needs lots of space to grow. If you are living in an apartment or if…

8 Easy flowers to grow for beginners

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 13, 2023 Comments: 0

Flowers create a vibrant atmosphere and attract butterflies and other pollinators to our gardens. Some flowers need lots of care and maintenance and at the same time other flowers grow quite well and they do not require consistent care. If you are a beginner in gardening and want to grow some flowers in your backyard then this article might help you. Here are a few flowers that are easy to…

Potassium and Phosphorus rich organic fertilizer 

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 12, 2023 Comments: 0

The most important nutrients that plants need are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. They are called macronutrients. Nitrogen is essential for plants to grow foliage. Nitrogen-rich fertilizer is needed for leafy green vegetables. Phosphorous is needed for a strong root system and for producing more flower blooms. Potassium helps to build pest-resistant plants and is necessary for the transportation of nutrients across the plant. Potassium and Phosphorus rich fertilizers are essential…

Best organic pesticides for plants

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 11, 2023 Comments: 0

A garden cannot be kept completely pest-free, but pests can be controlled or reduced using pesticides. Making pesticides at home is easy and they can be quite effective in repelling insects and pests. Organic Pesticides for Plants 1.Garlic Spray Take a few cloves of garlic and use a blender to grind it into a smooth paste. Then transfer the mix into a bowl and add 1 cup of warm water.…

How to control aphids naturally in your garden.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 10, 2023 Comments: 0

Aphids are pesky insects that drain the life out of your plants eventually killing them. They are also called greenfly and blackfly. There are about 5000 species of aphids among which 400 of them are found in food or fibre crops. Aphids reproduce rapidly and increase in large numbers within a few days. This is because aphids can reproduce without males. Young aphids mature rapidly and give birth to nymphs…

How to use banana peel fertiliser

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 9, 2023 Comments: 0

Banana peels contain lots of nutrients that help in building better root and stem structures in plants. So don’t throw those banana peels away instead use them to fertilize your plants. You can use banana peel fertiliser for all your vegetable and flower plants. Some of the nutrients that these peels contain include phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese and sulphur.  Potassium is a macronutrient that is essential for stronger root…

How to grow calendula from seeds in containers.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 8, 2023 Comments: 0

Calendula also called pot marigold is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. There are about 16 varieties of this plant and the flowers come in colours like red, yellow, orange and apricot. Calendula is native to Mediterranean countries. They can grow up to 2 feet tall and wide.Here is how to grow calendula from seeds. Growing conditions for Calendula These flowers can be grown during the spring…

Companion Planting Guide

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 7, 2023 Comments: 0

Companion planting is a technique where different types of plants are grown near one another for certain reasons. Some of the reasons include reducing pest control, improving soil fertility, preventing weeds, and attracting pollinators and beneficial insects. Companion planting is similar to polyculture. By practising companion planting you can grow different types of plants in a small area and keep unnecessary pests and insects away from your garden.  Companion planting…

How to treat leaf miners naturally in your plants

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 4, 2023 Comments: 0

If you find white trails or pale blotches on the leaves of your plants, you probably have leaf miners. Leaf miners are one of the species of insects whose larva lives in plant tissues and feeds on them. The most common leaf-mining insects include moths (Lepidoptera), sawflies and flies(Diptera). Leaf miners emerge as adults in spring and find a suitable leaf to lay their eggs. Eggs are laid within the…

How to increase yield in a tomato plant

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 4, 2023 Comments: 0

Tomatoes are cool-weather crops that require fertile soil to grow well. Here are a few ways to improve your plant’s yields. Ways to Improve Tomato Yields 1. Burying the stems deeper When transplanting young tomato seedlings to bigger pots or the ground, make sure you bury the stems deeper. Since the hairs in a tomato’s stem can form their roots, burying the stems deeper builds a stronger root system. Just…