How to grow butterfly pea flower from seeds in containers.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 4, 2023 Comments: 0

Butterfly pea flower (scientific name Clitoria Ternata) is a perennial flowering plant that is native to Southeast Asian countries. It is a vine that can grow up to 8 feet tall and 3 feet wide. It is easy to grow butterfly pea flower and requires less maintenance. This plant gives blue and white flowers and they can be used to make tea and natural colourings. It is also grown as…

Why are your plants wilting and how to fix them

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 4, 2023 Comments: 0

Here are a few reasons why your plants may be wilting and how you can fix them 1.Underwatering We all know that plants that do not receive proper water can dry up. Plants will look droopy and the leaves will start to dry up. Insert your finger check the moisture level of the soil. If the soil is too dry, water it gently and your plants will recover within an…

How to grow basil from seeds in pots or containers.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 4, 2023 Comments: 0

Basil is a perennial herb that belongs to the mint family. It is native to tropical Asia and Southeast Asia and is widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes. It is used to add flavour to dishes and soups. There are 50 to 150 varieties of basil. Some of the varieties that are commonly grown are sweet basil, purple basil, lemon basil and holy basil. You can either grow basil…

How to store vegetable seeds for the next year

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 3, 2023 Comments: 0

Every plant produces lots of seeds that can be used for the next year, if they are dried and stored properly. These seeds can also be shared with fellow gardeners. It’s best to grow native plants rather than hybrid and Gmos as native plants are more resilient to climate change. So it’s essential to preserve native seeds. Most seeds need to be dried properly anNow let’s see how to store…

How to control whiteflies in the garden

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 3, 2023 Comments: 0

When you have a backyard garden with all kinds of plants, you will also have to deal with a variety of pests that attack them. These pests end up draining the life out of your plants. One of those pests is whiteflies. These pests live on the underside of leaves. They are triangular and are about 1-2mm long. Each adult whitefly can lay hundreds of eggs. These pests suck the…

DIY easy organic liquid fertilisers for plants.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 3, 2023 Comments: 0

When you grow vegetables in your garden, you will need to fertilise them often to get good yields. You can use either solid or liquid fertilisers for your plants. Liquid fertilisers are easily absorbed by plants when compared to solid fertilisers. Organic liquid fertilisers are easy to make at home. They can be made from biodegradable waste such as banana peels, vegetable scraps, manure and eggshells. DIY Liquid fertilisers for…

How to make potting mix for container gardening

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 3, 2023 Comments: 0

When you have a backyard garden all you need is well-prepared fertile soil to grow the food you want. But when you want to grow vegetables in pots you will need to fill the pots with a good potting mix. Potting mix is also referred to as soilless mix as it is a mixture of materials like vermiculite, perlite, compost, sand, coconut coir, lime and peat moss. The potting mix…

How to plant sunflower seeds in containers or pots.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 3, 2023 Comments: 0

Sunflowers are annual flowering plants that are native to North and Central America. The scientific name of the sunflower is Helianthus annuus and it belongs to the family Asteraceae. Sunflowers come in several colours like yellow, white, brown, red and orange. They are grown as food crops or ornamental flowers. The seeds are packed with vitamins and minerals. There are about 70 varieties of sunflowers. Certain types grow from 12…

How to get rid of fire ants in the garden naturally 

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 3, 2023 Comments: 0

When you have a backyard garden, one of the main things to look out for is that ants, particularly fire ants do not colonise your garden. Having ants in your garden has some benefits but too many of them can cause problems. For instance, fire ants can dig tunnels that aerate the soil. This helps your plants to get nutrients and water. At the same time, fire ants can feed…

How to make Vermicompost at home from kitchen waste.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: March 3, 2023 Comments: 0

Vermicomposting is the process of using worms that feed on organic matter and produce worm castings that can be used on plants. Vermicomposting is an easy process and you can get good compost for your plants when it is done in the right manner. Find out how to make vermicompost at home. Benefits of using vermicompost It is necessary to know the right kind of worms needed to make vermicompost.…