Benefits of Backyard Chickens

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: February 27, 2023 Comments: 0

Having chickens in your backyard has lots of benefits besides getting fresh eggs. Chickens are quite friendly creatures that do not require much maintanence. They use only a small space in your backyard. If you have a kitchen garden or a vegetable garden, having chickens can benefit you in many ways. Benefits of having backyard chickens 1. Fresh eggs You get lots of eggs by raising chickens in your backyard.…

How to grow marigolds from seeds in containers

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: February 27, 2023 Comments: 0

Marigolds are herbaceous plants that belong to the family Asteraceae. Many species of marigold vary in colour and size. These flowers come in different colours such as orange, gold, yellow and white. Marigolds are low-maintenance flowers and they grow well in any type of soil and are drought tolerant. They help to repel several pests and rodents. They are often grown as companion plant with tomato, eggplant, cucumbers and basil.…

Benefits of having a kitchen garden

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: February 27, 2023 Comments: 0

Most of the food that we eat today is grown using pesticides and they do more harm than good to our health. At the same time, these pesticides destroy our soil, water, and biodiversity. Having a kitchen garden can benefit you and the environment. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in kitchen gardens are more nutritious and benefit our health. Benefits of having a kitchen garden 1. Provides clean air…

What is permaculture?

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: February 26, 2023 Comments: 0

A lot of us have heard of the word permaculture but are not sure of what it is. Permaculture is derived from “ permanent agriculture”.It was introduced by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the year 1978. It follows a natural and sustainable approach to agriculture. Besides agriculture, permaculture design principles can be applied in several other fields such as Town Planning, Community Spaces, and Commercial and Industrial Premises. Permaculture…