10 Perennial herbs to grow in your garden

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: January 3, 2024 Comments: 0

One of the easiest plants to grow in your home are herbs. They are low-maintenance plants that can tolerate both extreme hot and cold weather. By growing fresh herbs in your garden, you get to add fresh leaves to your dishes. Growing herbs can attract pollinators and help to repel pests and insects. Herbs are cold hardy plants and they go dormant during the winters and start to grow foliage…

Best organic fertilizers for eggplant

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: December 24, 2023 Comments: 0

Eggplants are a warm-weather crop and they need moist well drained fertile soil to grow well. They are heavy feeders and require regular fertilising to grow and give good yields. Organic fertilisers are slow-release fertilisers and they provide all the nutrients that eggplants require. During the initial growth stages, eggplants need fertilisers that have high levels of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous to grow well. During the yielding period, fertilisers having…

How to grow and care for pansies.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: December 17, 2023 Comments: 0

Pansies are biennial flowering plants that come in many colours like yellow, orange, violet, red, purple and other bicolours. These flowers can grow up to 9 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter. They can spread for about 2 feet. Both the pansies blooms and leaves are edible, and these flowers can be used as colouring agents and they are rich in Vitamin A and C. Here’s how to grow…

How to grow sweet pea from seeds in containers.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: December 10, 2023 Comments: 0

Sweet peas is a flowering plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Its scientific name is Lathyrus Odaratus and unlike the common garden peas, sweet peas are poisonous and should not be consumed. It is an annual flowering plant that produces a variety of flowers that come in colours like blue, pink, purple and white. This plant is grown for aesthetic purposes as it produces colourful flowers. Here’s how to…

How to grow corn from seeds in containers.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: December 3, 2023 Comments: 0

Corn is a warm-season crop that is native to America. It was commonly grown as a companion plant to Beans and Squash in the three sisters method. Corn is a grass and is a member of the Poaceae family. Consuming corn has many health benefits. It can be grown in homes and home-grown corn is more nutritious and has more health benefits. Here is how to grow corn from seeds…

How to grow gaillardia from seeds in containers

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: November 26, 2023 Comments: 0

Gaillardia is a perennial flowering plant that is native to North America. There are about 30 varieties of this plant that come in colours like red, yellow, and orange. These plants are low-maintenance perennials that grow 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. This plant is also resistant to pests. Some of the varieties of gaillardia that can be grown include Arizona Sun gaillardia, Gaillardia Fanfare and Gaillardia Aristata. Gaillardia…

15 easy vegetables to grow during Spring

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: November 19, 2023 Comments: 0

Spring season is the best time to grow cold hardy vegetables. The ground warms up during this season but still, the temperatures can be a bit low and cold hardy vegetables are the best to grow during this time. Cool hardy vegetables grow fast and can be harvested sooner. It is important to know a 10-day weather forecast in your area before you start planning your spring garden. When a…

How to prepare your garden beds for spring

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: November 12, 2023 Comments: 0

Spring is the season when the soil warms and is the best time to grow your favourite vegetable and flower plants. Preparing the garden soil beforehand can help you to create a successful garden. If the soil in the backyard is not ideal for growing vegetables and flowers you can still grow them in raised garden beds. How to prepare garden beds for spring 1. Clean your garden tools Sharpen…

What is hardening off seedlings and how is it done

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: November 7, 2023 Comments: 0

Seeds started indoors have adapted to conditions indoors. These seedlings find it difficult to adapt to external climatic conditions within a day or two. Hardening off seedlings is a process that is followed to help seedlings adapt to external climatic conditions.  Before bringing the seedlings outside make sure the temperature is above 45°F. When your seedlings start to adapt to external conditions, their cell walls start to harden and their…

How to start seeds indoors.

Posted by: Maheswari Sankar Posted on: October 30, 2023 Comments: 0

Are you a beginner in gardening and want to know how to start your seeds indoors? Then this article can help you. Seeds are started 6 weeks before the last frost date. Seed starting can vary based on your location and the type of seeds you sow. Certain seeds find it difficult to recover from transplants so they must be sown in the soil directly. Others can be sowed and…