Raising chickens for beginners

If you are planning to raise chickens then it’s necessary to know about the basic requirements that chickens need. Raising chickens means getting healthy eggs and meat, but it can be a lot of work too.
Beginners Guide to Raising Chickens:
1. Choosing the right chicken breed
It’s best to know about the different breeds of chickens before buying a particular breed. It is also important to choose a breed based on the climate you live. Chickens are raised for both eggs and meat. Certain breeds can be raised for either eggs or meat. Sometimes they can be raised for both these purposes. Some of the breeds that are great for beginners include Rhode Island Red, Australorp, leghorns and Sussex.
2. Choosing between baby chicks and adults
If you are someone who has the time to raise baby chicks then you can buy them. Baby chicks are between 1 to 6 weeks old. They need lots of attention and care. On the other hand, adult chickens are more than 7 months old and some may even start to lay eggs a few days after you buy them. They do not require much care and attention compared to baby chicks.
3. Building a coop for your chickens
Chickens need a place to rest during the night. Coops that are built for chickens must be spacious enough for them. Each chicken needs 3 to 4 square feet of space. If your flock grows in the future you must also have space in the coop for those chickens. Make sure you design a coop based on that. Coops can be designed with an enclosed run and a proper overhead cover. This can encourage chickens to roam within the enclosed area and can protect them from predators. Also, the coop must be designed in such a way that it allows you to go inside and clean it once a month. Make sure to purchase nesting boxes and place them inside the coop for your chickens.
4. Food and water
Chickens need good food and clean water to grow healthy and disease free. You need to purchase good food and watering equipment for that. Poultry equipment comes in different types and designs. You can buy them based on your needs. Plastic or metal feeders are generally used to feed chickens. Buy water equipment that has water nipples. Chickens love to be fed with grains, barley, oats, wheat and food scraps.
5. Provide security
One of the important thing in raising chickens is to provide them the necessary security. Predators can harm your chickens if you don’t provide them with proper security. During the day you can watch your chickens, but at night time keep the coops closed. Designing a coop that has a run and an overhead cover can also protect your chickens from predators.
6. Health
Chickens can get physical injuries by fighting amongst themselves. They may also get infected by certain diseases. Having a medical kit can help to treat these problems. You will also need to take them to an avian vet if they get infected by other diseases.
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