Vegetables to plant in zone 3 and 4 in August
Zone 3 and 4 have a shorter growing season of about 180 days. Cool-weather crops can be grown in August as they can tolerate frost to some extent. These vegetable seeds can be started 10 to 12 weeks before the last frost date. The vegetables can then mature sooner. Choose varieties that are resistant to cold temperatures. Ensure that you use row covers if the areas are too cold. Here is a list of vegetables to grow during August.
Vegetables to plant in zone 3 and 4 in August
Kohlrabi germinates within 7 to 10 days. It can take about 3 months to harvest kohlrabi.

Radish seeds germinate within 5 to 7 days. This vegetable can be harvested within 25 to 60 days based on the variety.
Cabbage germinates within 7 to 10 days and based on the variety it can take about 120 days to harvest cabbage.
Lettuce germinates within 7 days and can be harvested within 45 – 50 days.

Beetroot germinates within 5 days and can be harvested within 70 days from sowing.
6.Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts are very cold and hardy and it can take up to 20 days for them to germinate. Brussel sprouts can take up to 120 days to harvest.
Carrots take up to 21 days to germinate. It can take 90 to 100 days to harvest carrots.
The germination time for kale is 7 days. It can take up to 95 days to harvest kale.
Read more:
- Vegetables to plant in fall season
- Flowers to plant in fall season.
- Bulbs to plant in the fall season.
- Perennial herbs to grow in your garden.