Why are your plants wilting and how to fix them

Here are a few reasons why your plants may be wilting and how you can fix them
We all know that plants that do not receive proper water can dry up. Plants will look droopy and the leaves will start to dry up. Insert your finger check the moisture level of the soil. If the soil is too dry, water it gently and your plants will recover within an hour. Make sure you water only the first two inches of the soil. Plants grown in pots have less soil volume so they need lots of water. Water the plant until it drains through the pot.
2. Overwatering
Overwatering your plants can also be another reason for your plant’s wilting. Too much water leads to root rot and causes wilting. Again, use your finger to test the soil moisture. If it’s too wet avoid watering for a few days and your plants will turn normal.
3. Sunlight
Certain plants cannot tolerate too much sunlight. This causes them to wilt. A few of them include basil, mint, coriander and spinach. Grow them in places that get morning sunlight and shade in the afternoon. At the same time, some plants grow well in full sunlight and find it hard to grow in shade. Some examples include vegetables in the beans and gourds family. Avoid growing them in shady locations.
4. Pests
Another main reason why your plants may be wilting is if they get attacked by pests or insects. Pests like aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs can suck the life out of your crops causing them to wilt. Use the necessary pesticides to get rid of them. Here is an article on how to make natural pesticides for your plants.