How to care for plants in winter

Posted byMaheswari Sankar Posted onOctober 16, 2024 Comments0

Home » Winter Garden » How to care for plants in winter

Winter is when plants like cold hardy vegetables and perennials become dormant. Although they become dormant they still need to be taken care of as metabolic functions happen within them. Taking proper care of them during the winter can ensure that they come back during the spring. Here are a few ways to care for plants in winter.

1. Mulching

Mulching plants for 3 to 6 inches tall can help to trap the heat inside. The mulch acts as an insulator and helps to keep your plants warm in extreme temperatures. Apply mulch in the plant’s base. It helps to preserve soil moisture and provides insulation for soil.

2. Fertilizing Plants

Make sure to fertilize your plants in the late fall season. Use slow-release fertilizers such as compost or bone meal. Avoid fertilizing them during the winter season when they go dormant. You can wait until the spring season to fertilize.

3. Watering

Watering during the winter season is not necessary. But if your location does not have heavy snow and drying winds you will need to water your garden. You can water during the early morning and when there are no drying winds. If the weather is dry you can water once a month. Mulching your plants can help to retain the moisture in the soil.
Water when the soil is not frozen and the air temperatures are above 40°F.

4. Protection against snow

You can protect your plants from cold weather using row covers, burlap, frost cloth, high tunnels and cold frames. If you are growing plants in containers, you can bring them inside as well.

Read more:

  1. Composting tips for winter
  2. Cold hardy herbs to grow in winter
  3. How to winterize fruit trees


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