How to grow soybeans in pots

Posted byMaheswari Sankar Posted onMarch 3, 2023 Comments0

Home » Container Gardening » How to grow soybeans in pots

Soybeans or Soya-beans are legumes grown for their nutritious bean. It is native to East Asia and a lot of products can be made from these beans. Some of the products include Milk, Tofu, Soy sauce and Bean paste. Soybeans are high in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Soybeans are not frost-tolerant, they should be grown during the warm summer months. The optimum temperature needed for Soybeans to grow is between 21° C to 25°C (70°F to 77°F). Soybeans help to fix nitrogen in the soil and are grown as cover crops. They are also grown as companion plants.

How to grow soybeans in pots

  • Take a pot that is at least 12 to 16 inches deep and fill it with potting mix that contains 20 % garden soil, 20% coarse sand and 60 % compost. Soybeans grow best in loamy well-drained soil. Two plants can be grown in a 12-inch container. Make sure there is a 3-inch gap between the two plants. Place the container in a location that receives 4 to 5 hours of sunlight every day.
  • The beans take about 5 days to germinate. Soybeans grow quite fast. Watering should be done when the soil becomes dry.
  • To get good yields, you can add compost or liquid fertiliser once in 4 weeks. You can use a plant stake to support your plants in case they fall during windy seasons.
  • Soybeans need frequent watering during the flowering period and yielding period. Flowering of beans occurs 40-45 days after planting. You can harvest the green pods after 55 days. Dried pods can be harvested after 100 days.

Pests and Diseases

Some of the pests that attack soybeans include aphids, beetles and spider mites. You can use neem oil or diatomaceous earth to control these pests.

Read more:

  1. How to grow radish from seeds in containers.
  2. How to grow spinach from seeds in containers.
  3. How to grow okra from seeds in containers.
  4. How to grow beetroot from seeds in containers.

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