How to start flower seeds indoors

Posted byMaheswari Sankar Posted onOctober 28, 2024 Comments0

Home » Gardening » How to start flower seeds indoors

Starting flower seeds can be a cost effective and a satisfying process. Growing flowers from seed is a great way to add a variety of flowers to your garden based on the season. It can give you knowledge about the vast array of flowers.This article helps you to start flowers successfully from seeds.

Before diving into how to start flower seeds. Lets find out the best flower seeds to start indoors. Before choosing the seeds to start indoors make sure they grow well based on the regions climatic conditions and the soil type.

Here is a list of the best flower seeds to start indoors


  1. Cosmos
  2. Marigolds
  3. Zinnias
  4. Sunflowers
  5. Gazanias
  6. Gaillardia
  7. Chrysanthemums
  8. Violas
  9. Nasturtium

The supplies needed to start flower seeds indoors

You need the following supplies to start seeds indoors: seed-starting mix, seeds, containers, a watering can, a light source, and labels.

Step-by-step guide to start flower seeds indoors

1. Timing

Seeds are usually started 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date. So, make sure that you check your local gardening calendars for recommendations based on your climate.

2. Prepare Containers

Slightly moisten your seed starting mix and gently dampen it. Next, fill your containers with this seed starting mix.

3. Sow Seeds

Sow the seeds according to the instructions provided in the package. You can then mist them.

4. Provide Light

Place your containers near the windowsill if your area gets sufficient sunlight. If you use grow lights, place them a few inches above the seedlings. Make sure to keep them on for 12 to 14 hours a day.

5. Maintain Temperature and Humidity

Most flowers prefer temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). You can cover the containers with plastic wrap or a humidity dome to retain moisture until seeds germinate. Remove the cover once you see sprouts.

6. Thinning Seedlings

Thinning your seedlings can help the healthy seedlings to grow better. Make sure to remove the weak seedlings so that the healthy ones have the space to grow.

7. Transplanting

When seedlings have grown 4 to 5 inches tall they are ready for transplanting. Before transplanting them, they need to go through the hardening process that helps them to adapt to external conditions.

8. Caring for Your Flowers

After transplanting them make sure that they get the required sunlight, water and fertile conditions. This can help your flowers grow up into healthy plants that provide a variety of blooms.

Starting seeds indoors is quite an easy process which can help you to produce tons of flowers that can transform your garden into a vibrant space of beauty.

Read more:

  1. DIY seed starting mix
  2. What is hardening off seedlings?


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