Organic pesticides for fruit trees
Fruit trees need to be taken good care so that they grow healthy and give good yields. This includes proper pruning, fertiizing and controlling pests. Using chemicals for pest control can harm the soil and the environment. Turning towards organic methods for controlling pests is sustainable in the long term.

Best organic pesticides for fruit trees:
1.Neem Oil
Neem oil is an organic pesticide obtained from the seeds of the neem tree. It contains azidarachtin which helps to inhibit the lifecycle of pests. Using it regularly for your fruit trees affected by pests can help to control them. You can use it once in 10 days for fruit trees affected by pests. To make neem oil pesticide, mix 1 tablespoon of neem oil in 1 gallon of water. Also, add two drops of organic liquid Castille soap. This acts as an emulsifier. You can then spray it on trees affected by pests. Neem oil can also be sprayed to prevent fungal diseases as well.
2. Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a powder that contains silica. It is non toxic, safe to use. You can simply sprinkle it at the base of the tree to prevent pest attack. You can also sprinkle it in the pest affected area. The silica dehydrates the hard shells of these pests killing them. It can take up to 48 hours for DE to work. One thing to remember is that DE does not work if it rains. You have to reapply DE again if the rains washes off the powder.
3. Bacillus Thuringenesis
Bacillus thuringenesis is a microbe that produces toxins which kill pests and insects. It can be used to control worms and caterpillars.
4. Horticultural Oils
Horticultural oils are generally used on trees during dormancy. You can use the horticultural oil based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. Using beneficial insects
Beneficial insects like ladybugs, parasitic wasps, lacewings and pirate bugs are natural predators of pests. Growing a variety of flowers and herbs can attract them to your garden. You can also purchase them and release them into your garden for pest control.
6. Copper fungicide
Copper fungicide is a natural pesticide that contains copper compounds which fight against fungal infections in plants. Mix 3 teaspoons of copper fungicide per gallon of water. You can then use it on all parts of your fruit tree.
7. Garlic chilli spray
Take some garlic cloves and hot peppers. Boil them in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes. Next let this liquid cool down. After that strain it and add 2 drops of organic dishwasher liquid. You can then use it on your fruit trees. You can use this once in 5 days if your trees are severely infected by pests.
Tips to reduce pest attack on fruit trees.
1.Plant disease-resistant varieties
When you want to plant a fruit tree, study the common pests and diseases that attack your fruit trees. Then buy varieties that are resistant to those pests and diseases.
2. Amend the soil
Before planting the fruit tree, make sure you amend the soil properly. Fruit trees that are grown in the right soil, light and water conditions naturally grow healthy and have better resistance to pests and diseases. Fertilizing them regualrly can also strengthen their stem and branches thereby making them more immune. Amending the soil with neem cake before planting can help to reduce fungal infections.
3. Plant fruit tree guilds
Instead of planting a fruit tree alone. Try planting herbs, shrubs, flowering plants and other fellow fruit trees near it. This is known as fruit tree guilds. Practising this technique can improve soil fertility, and attract pollinators, small birds and beneficial insects. It also helps to control insects and other pests in your fruit trees.
4. Pruning
Proper pruning of fruit trees can ensure that they get the needed light and air circulation. This can reduce pests and disease attacks on fruit trees.
Fruit trees are quite easy to grow and taking proper care of them can lead to them giving an abundant harvest. If they are free from pests they can give even better yields. Hope you found this article helpful.
Read more:
- Best organic fertilizers for fruit trees.
- Best companion plants for fruit trees.
- Best fruit trees to grow in containers.
- How to grow orange at home.