How to prepare your container garden for the winter season.

Plants that are grown in containers need to be protected from severe winters. Soil becomes compact during the winter season as the ground freezes.
Plants grown in containers are more vulnerable to frost-like conditions and their roots can get severely damaged. When soil becomes compact plants find it difficult to absorb nutrients and water. Other than perennials if you are growing shrubs and small trees in containers you can winterize them and this helps them to go dormant during the winter and develop fresh growth during the following season.
How to prepare your container garden for winter
- The containers in which you grow your plants should be a bit big. The bigger a container is the more insulation and protection it provides for your plants. Plants should be grown in containers that are frost-tolerant. Ceramic, plastic, fibreglass and concrete are some frost-resistant planters.
- Prune your plants, and remove dried leaves and stems. It can reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
- Mulch your plant base with 2 to 3 inches of straw, shredded leaves or material that provides insulation for them.
- Place the plants in a protected location ( a shed or garage). Make sure the location gets some sunlight. You can also place the plants close to one another as it can provide the warmth they need.
- Right before the first frost water your plants thoroughly. During the winter season regularly check the moisture levels of the soil and water accordingly. Dry soil can freeze faster when compared to moist soil so regularly check the soil’s moisture and water accordingly.
- If there are severe snowstorms during the night you can cover your plants with burlap or an old blanket. Use stakes and make sure the material does not touch your plant. Covering your plants protects them from freezing temperatures as the heat radiated from the soil keeps them warm throughout the night. Remove the blanket during the morning and allow your plants to get some sunlight.
- During the spring season, you can remove the protection layers and allow your plants to adapt themselves to the temperature changes.
Read more:
- Best cold hardy vegetables to grow in your garden.
- Composting tips for winter
- Container gardening during the winter season
- How to care for plants during the winter season